Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Self Portrait An Interesting Genre Of Work - 1387 Words

Both of the women are well known for their self-portraits. The self-portrait is an interesting genre of work. There is a sense of spontaneity. The engagement is greater since the artist has a longer period of time to examine their own face, instead of having limited access. A painter knows their own face the best; in many artists’ work other subjects resemble the artist themselves. Women often portray themselves in their studios at work, evidence of professional accomplishment. Sometimes self-portraits are very truthful since the artist had time to examine every detail of their appearance. On the other hand, artists also can take liberties in creating their image in order to project themselves in a way that they desire. Salesmanship can come into play, even falsehood. Both Labille-Guiard and Kahlo were mostly truthful in their work, but chose carefully what they emphasized in order to best depict themselves in a desired manner. In Self Portrait with Two Students, painted in 1785, Labille-Guiard presents herself as poised and self-assured engaging in painting, and also as a teacher. This uses the rich palette and fine detail which reflects her earlier training. After the scandal in 1783, she wanted to start a fresh after the slander, but the Academy drastically limited her show casing any of her work. She wanted new prestigious customers, but could only get them if she could show she was capable. Her solution was to put all her energy into making a self-promotion piece. SheShow MoreRelatedThe end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of new era, the beginning of the transition from1700 Words   |  7 Pagesstudied the proportions and anatomy. Painting ousted icon, sculpture revived the free-standing statues, such as horse statue, portrait bust, adding to them sculptural architectural tombstone, scenic terrain. The new demands faced art and caused its enrichment in the types and genres. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Buddhism Essay - 3226 Words

Buddhism is one of the biggest religions founded in India in the 6th and 5th century B.C. by Siddhartha Gautama, also known as â€Å"the Buddha.† As one of the greatest Asian religion, it teaches the practice and the observance of moral perceptions. â€Å"Buddhism begins with a man. In his later years, when India was afire with his message, people came to him asking what he was. Not ‘Who are you?’ but ‘What are you?’ ‘Are you god?’ they asked. ‘No.’ ‘An angel?’ ‘No.’ ‘A saint?’ ‘No.’ ‘Then, what are you?’ Buddha answered, ‘I am awake.’ His answer became his title, for this is what Buddha means. The Sanskrit root budh means to awake and to know. While the rest of humanity was†¦show more content†¦Finally the prince convinced his father into letting him visit a part of the city that was beyond the palace gates. Before allowing the prince to ride in his chariot, Shuddhodana ordered the streets to be cleared of the sick or the infirm, that the prince not be allowed to see any of the corpses or the world renounces. Despite the kings efforts, at one point the path of the royal chariot was block ed by a sick man. He found that the man had only grown old and that such afflictions were the result of age. Siddhartha was amazed to find that most people see such sights every day but persist in shortsighted pursuit and mundane affairs, apparently unconcerned that they will become sick, grow old, and die. In two other journeys outside the palace, Siddhartha saw a man stricken with disease and a corpse, and when he learned that eventually his young healthy body would become weak he fell into a deep depression. On the fourth trip, Siddhartha saw a world renouncer, a man who stood apart from the crowd, who owned nothing and was unaffected by the petty concerns of the masses, and who radiated calm, serenity, and a profound inner peace. This man had nothing, yet he had obtainedShow MoreRelatedBuddhism : Buddhism And Buddhism1009 Words   |  5 Pages Zen Buddhism isn’t exactly a â€Å"religion†, but a way of living. It creates peace within the human mind that allows one to grow, develop and look at the world more positively. Originating in China in 650 C.E., Zen Buddhism is a combination between Indian Mahayana Buddhism and Taoism. Mahayana Buddhism promotes bodhisattva, which is practicing the way of life in the direction of Buddha. Taoism is a religion developed by Lao-tzu, a Taoist philosopher, and focuses on obtaining long life and good fortuneRead MoreBuddhism, Buddhism And Buddhism1371 Words   |  6 PagesBuddhism is one of the largest religions in the world that started in India. Later spreading to China,Burma,Japan , Tibet and other parts of southeast Asia. Buddhism is a religion that Is concentrated on spiritualism than religious teachings. Established by the buddha, one must obtain their own spiritual awakening, or nirvana through meditation. There are three main branches of Buddhism Theravada Buddhism , Mahayana Buddhism and Tantric Buddhism. About 2,500 years ago, Prince SiddharthaRead MoreBuddhism : Buddhism And Buddhism982 Words   |  4 PagesBuddhism is a philosophy that is often viewed as a religion and dates back to approximately 6th century B.C.E. Buddhism originated in the Indian subcontinent by a man known as Siddhartha Gautama. The original language of Buddhism is often debated as some scholars believe that it was first practiced in Pali while other believe it was first spoken in Sanskrit. The practice of Buddhism first spread to China in the 2nd century A.C.E and was translated to Mandarin in 3rd century A.C.E. Today, there areRead MoreRelics Of Buddhism And Buddhism847 Words   |  4 PagesRelics are thought to be present in Buddhism since the 5th Century B.C.E, when the original Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, was said to have lived, and Buddhism itself was a new religion. They continue today as sacred objects of worship. Relics that are as old as Buddhism itself are said to exist and still be wo rshipped. Although the idea of relics may seem contradictory to many of Buddhist beliefs, they actually do resonate with many ideals of Buddhist teachings and practices. To see whether relicsRead MoreBuddhism : The Philosophy Of Buddhism1198 Words   |  5 Pagesnever be one true answer. The theory I mostly identify with is the philosophy of Buddhism, its teachings, and the importance of meditation. Some people would argue that Buddhism is a religion not a philosophy, and vice versa, but nonetheless the Buddha has an idea of self in our current life. Buddhism teaches us that life is, and full of suffering and that nothing in life is eternal. The ultimate goal of Buddhism is Nirvana, which means liberation from the constant cycle of life and death, andRead MoreThe Teachings Of Buddhism And Buddhism939 Words   |  4 Pagesfamous religion icon of all time the Buddhism. Many people became followers of this very wise man we know as the Buddha. Buddhism is based on the teaching of Siddhartha Gautama, Buddha, who was born in the Ganges River Valley, the foot of the Himalayas. The Buddha led people in meditation and enlightenment to the next level. Philosophers such as Santideva and Thich Nhat Hanh, have led the life to follow the Buddhism ways and live their day to day life off of it. Buddhism gave them the enlightenment toRead MoreThe Religion Of Buddhism And Buddhism1730 Words   |  7 Pageslife. The religion of Buddhism is one of these that had this effect when it began to spread from India where it originated, to many Asian countries especially China where it would have the biggest impact. In China, Buddhism would take root and would grow to become a popular religion in the country much like the other major religions of China, Confucianism and Taoism, which together with Buddhism would later be known as the â€Å"Three Teachings†. Additionally, at some point Buddhism would began to loseRead MoreReligion Of Buddhism : Buddhism963 Words   |  4 Pagesinterested in the religion of Buddhism. After I watched Oprah Winfrey’s television series, Belief Buddhism has become something I wished to look into on a deeper level. Therefore, On October 9, 2016, I visited Wesleyan college East Asian studies facilities to participate in their Sunday meeting of Practice and Talk. During this hour and a half meeting, individuals who are exploring Buddhism wil l learn the surface practice of Buddhism more specifically shin Buddhism. Shin Buddhism or the teachings of ShinranRead MoreBuddhism, Buddhism And The World Essay1999 Words   |  8 PagesBuddhism is the fourth largest religion in the world, with more than 5 million believers in the world. Buddhism is a kind of religion and law that contains various traditions, beliefs, and spiritual practices. Buddhism from India, between the sixth and fourth centuries BC, and gradually spread to Asia. Although Buddhism originated in India, China has many believers in the dissemination and contribution. Chinese Buddhism began in the Han Dynasty and became the most powerful in the Tang Dynasty. WithRead MoreBuddhism : The Popularity Of Buddhism1306 Words   |  6 PagesBuddhism Culture in China Instructor Dr. Jack Name: Zhoudongxue Zhang Student #: 100311725 Date: 26/11/2015 The Popularity of Buddhism in China Buddhism is one of the most popular religions in the world. The Pew Research Center reports that nearly 488 million people practice Buddhism, which represents 7% to 8% of the world’s entire population. Buddhism is mainly practiced in the Asia-Pacific region with approximately 481,290,000 Buddhists, which means 99% of Buddhists live in Asia-Pacific

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Auditing and Assurance Services Assignment

Questions: 1)You ,the auditor, attended the inventory count (stocktake ) of your client Smith Equipment and observed the following during the count : 1. Warehouse staff counted specific areas of the stock as determined by the warehouse supervisor ;staff members ,including the warehouse supervisor , were allocated their own area to count on their own. 2. Several blank sheets of paper were issued to each member of staff doing the counting. 3. Staff were instructed to write down the stock description and number counted . 4. Staff were told to write the stock quantities in pencil on the sheets to ensure errors can be corrected . 5. Any staff that completed a section early were allocated to another area to help out one of the other staff . 6.The supervisor collected all sheets at the end of the count to finalise the stock count . Required : Identify the weaknesses in the stocktake procedures above and identify how they could be improved. 2) You , the auditor , have spent 5 years as an auditor . In this time you have come across numerous errors in performing bank reconciliations . The following are some of these errors: 1. An unreconciled item of $340 was on the final bank reconciliation of the client and was deemed by the client to be immaterial. 2. Two deposits totalling $4070 relating to accounts receivable were collected on 3July ( 30 June year end) but recorded as cash receipts on 30 June. 3. An amount from an associate company of $40,000 was banked 2 days before the end of the year in the clients bank account and then paid back 1 week after the end of the year . 4. A cheque for $6,000 was omitted from the outstanding cheque list on the bank reconciliation at 30 June . It cleared the bank on the 14 August . 5.A bank transfer of $20,000 was included as a deposit in transit at 30 June in the accounting records. Required : (a) What control should be implemented to reduce the likelihood of each of the above? (b) What is an audit procedure to detect or prevent each of the above? 3) The following is an extract from a working paper containing the results of the tests of controls in the accounts payable area: Test Result Conclusion Selected a number of supplier Six out of 50 invoices tested had Accepted as the invoices and checked that the not been authorised .Incorrect discounts errors in the pricing and discounts have been were recorded for these invoices.A follow discounts claimed reviewed and authorised by the up of the four incorrect invoices did not were immaterial . purchasing manager not highlight a pattern or specific reason for the errors. Required: (a) Identify the key assertion addressed by the test procedure . (b) Provide an explanation as to why the conclusion reached is appropriate or inappropriate. (c) Outline the key control procedure that you believe needs to be performed. Answers: 1)While audit of the balance sheet of the company there are few items those needs to be looked and audited with better applied analytical and substantive procedures of the same. The responsibility of Inventory control lies with the manager of the warehouse of the location. The Manager must ensure that the staff members who are involved in stocktaking must aware of the established procedure which needs to be followed in stock taking. He is responsible for proper co-ordination between the staff member and also have the responsibility to complete the stock audit. However, it is duty of the auditor to visit the stocktaking site to determine the effectiveness of the stock taking. The slow moving inventory in a company. There are many cash dealings which get interrupted due to delay in stock being converted back into cash. The main intension and objective of Stocktaking is as follows: To verify the accuracy of stock The Stock valuation as stated in the financial statement must be supported by the physical verification of stock. To verify the weakness in the control and custody of stock. To disclose the possibility of Stock, theft or loss. In the given case auditor has attended the stock taking of Smith Equipment and certain discrepancies has been found by them which is described as follows: SI.No. Weakness Improvement Recommendation 1. Warehouse Staff Counted specific area of the warehouse for physical verification However, it is duty of the Warehouse manager to check all the area has been covered and no area has been left and physical verification of every item has been done properly 2. Issuance of blank sheet to each member of staff doing the count Instead of Issuing blank sheet to the stocktaking staff stock take scanner should be allocated to stock taker which will be used by them in stock taking along with the stock taking instruction. This brings better internal control and chances of error and loosing blank sheet is also low. 3. Staff Were Instructed to Write down the stock description and number counted Instead of giving this type of Instructor stock scanner as stated above should be given to each staff so that there is less chances of error and it will bring more accuracy. However, there is certain more recommendation which helps smith Equipment in better stock undertaking. This is as follows: Before starting Stock date all the possible area and the product must be identified. Meeting must be held with the staff member who will help in stock taking to ensure that they should know exactly what they have to do and how to do. Any Question or confusion of the Staff member must be resolved and any suggestion which helps in better stock taking must be implemented. Whenever any discrepancies noticed the same product must be recount for reconfirming the said discrepancies. All the staff member engaged in the stock take must be properly guided by the stores manager during stock taking. Stock Scanner must be provided to every staff member for better and more accurate stock taking. Any obsolete , damaged or expired product which has been noticed during the physical verification must be reported. Stores Manager must ensure that the obsolete material must be removed from the store and proper recording has been done. Physical verification report should be made and it need to be submitted to the external auditor. Before submitting the report to the External Auditor report must be discussed internally with the management so that there will be less changes of error. 2)Control over the bank reconciliation ensures that all the cash transaction has been properly recorded in the books of accounts for a given period of time. Bank reconciliation also ensures the accuracy of the Financial Statement. With the help of bank reconciliation any omission of transaction in the books of accounts can b easily detected irrespective of the reason that where omission is due to fraud or error. However to ensure less changes of error in the Bank reconciliation one should implement the following procedure to reduce the chance of Error. This are described as follows: There must be segregation of duties between the bank reconciliation between the two departments i.e. between accounts department and payment department. If same person are engaged in same activity then there is more chances of fraud. Bank reconciliation must be done by the person other than clerk who are in charge of transaction such as receipt, billings and account payable. The reconciliation clerk who is engaged in bank reconciliation must ensure that he has collected all the cancelled cheque and it has been properly dealt in accounts. Even a small amount of un reconciled items create a doubt in the mind of the auditor regarding the accuracy of accounts and existence of fraud in the company. In the given situation Item of $340 remain un reconciled which are treated by the as immaterial. The client must ensure that from now onwards all the accounting entry should be don on daily basis and all the vouchers should be signed by the Manager for proper control. To reduce the chances of incorrect recording of account receivable, client should ensures that the entire credit voucher must be signed along with the supporting and then entry will be done in accounting system. The Company may adopt the policy not to deposit the associate company money in own account in order to reduce complexity. The omission of certain items from Bank reconciliation is serious issues. This even creates doubt about the correctness of bank reconciliation. In order to reduce such type of situation, the client may increase the frequency of reconciliation in order to ensure correct reconciliation process. Recording of bank transfer as deposit is also an serious issue, this shows that accounting clerk is completely irresponsible and he must be warned that if the same continue, then he may be fired from the company. b) Audit procedure to detect and prevent each of the above case is as follows; 1) Auditor should compare the bank cancellation date with bank reconciliation. 2) Bank Confirmation should be taken from each bank with whom the client transit. 3) Balance of client bank reconciliation need to be confirmed with the balance of bank confirmation. 4) Minutes of the Board meeting and loan agreement should be reviewed in order to ensure that all the interest bearing deposit has been properly dealt with in the accounts. 3)Key Assertion Addressed by the Test Procedure is as follows: Authorization of Purchase Manager in the Invoices is not taken seriously by the client. It may lead to fraud Error. As per the Test conducted by the auditor more than 10% of the invoices were not authorized which shows lack of effectiveness and Internal control in the company. Incorrect Discount was also noted. This may be intentional or un- intentional. It might be possible that the billing personnel may give incorrect discount and it has been also noted that the bill in which incorrect discount was given was not sent for authorization. However, the incorrect discount given was not in some pattern. This means that the discount given was not due to system fault or change in discount policy. The company should ask the billing personnel reason for such error, though the amount of discount given is immaterial but it shows lack of control in the organization. The Conclusion reached by the Client is not appropriate as it lacks control in the organization. Better policy is to identify the reasons for such mistake that why such error has been occurred whether the error is un-intentional or due to some fraud. With increase in volume of work in the organization, there is more chances that the error will also increase and more unnecessary discount will be given to the customer which results to financial loss of the company. However, if the error is due to billing software used by the company then the company need to talk with the software company regarding up -gradation of the software so that these type of situation can be avoided and if required the company should need to change the current software and purchase billing software of another company. The Key Control procedure that need to be performed by the company is as follows: If the company has manual billing system then that need to be computerized. Discount for each and every item needs to be properly updated in the system and the same should be properly checked. Dual checking of invoice should be done for some time once the invoice is generated from the system and second at the cash counter by the cash personnel. Responsibility should be assigned to each personnel to periodically review the discount percentage which has been updated in the system.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Criminal Investigations Exam free essay sample

A crime laboratory can help in answering which of the following questions? D a. whether a crime has been committed b. who committed the crime c. who could not have committed the crime d. all of the choices are correct 2. A handgun used in a murder is recovered by a diver. Which of the following should be used to develop any latent prints? C a. SPR b. Amido Black c. SuperGlue d. Basic Yellow 40 3. After interviewing the victim of a crime and two witnesses, and examining the crime scene and the physical evidence, you use all of this information as a basis for developing a unifying and internally consistent explanation of the event. You have: C a. used inductive reasoning. b. committed Locards Fallacy. c. used deductive reasoning. d. proceeded in an un-objective manner. 4. Autoerotic death (sexual asphyxiation) is: C a. a murder committed by hanging the victim naked. b. a murder committed during a rape. c. an accidental death, usually from hanging. d. a suicide preceded by masturbating. The large view of the crime scene, such as the victims body, cars, and buildings is referred to as the: D a. micro scene. b. minute scene. c. protected scene. d. macroscopic scene. 19. The actions taken at the crime scene immediately following the detection and reporting of the crime constitute the: D a. essential part of police work. b. follow-up investigation. c. cold search. d. preliminary investigation. The Crime Classification Manual used to identify motivational models for the classification of homicide was developed by the: A a. FBI. b. Secret Service. c. Customs Department. . Drug Enforcement Administration. 21. The due process clause is found in which of the Bill of Rights? C a. First Amendment b. Fourth Amendment c. Fifth Amendment d. Tenth Amendment 22. The face of a basic incident report would typically include information regarding all of the following except: A a. continuation investigation. b. type of crime. c. the complainant. d. the witnesses. Truck-hijacking is most often committed by: B a. juveniles b. experienced armed robbers . ex-truckers d. inexperienced armed robbers 37. When armed robbery is committed, the perpetrator is most likely to have: D a. brass knuckles. b. martial arts weapons. c. a knife. d. a handgun. 38. Which characteristic most accurately describes the adolescent regressive? A a. Among the sexually preoccupied fathers, many regarded their daughter as a sex object from birth. b. They became interested in their daughters when they entered puberty. The victim is with an acquaintance 96 percent of the time. b. Typically the suspect is unarmed. c. Typically the victim is a lone woman. d. None of the choices are correct. 40. Which of the following is not an exception to the legal requirement of having a warrant to conduct a search and seizure? C a. with consent b. incident to an unlawful arrest c. when exigent circumstances exist d. to conduct an inventory 41. Which of the following would constitute a basis for assigning an exceptionally cleared classification to a case? D a. The suspect is known to the police, but they cant find him to serve a warrant.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Quotes Assignment free essay sample

Quotes Assignment Quotes from the website: http w www. Inspirational-quotes. Info/ The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. Martin Luther King, Jar. We are still masters of our fate. We are still captains of our souls. Churchill Michael Johnson Quotes from the website: http://. Hearts and minds. Org/quotes/ education. I believe that it is better to learn from the diverse people around us than to try in vain to emulate them, better to be a teacher than a role model.As strong as my legs are, it is my mind that has made me a champion. Michael Johnson It Is clearly not the Journey for everyone. People succeed In as many ways as there are people. Some can be completely fulfilled with destinations that are much closer to home and more comfortable. We will write a custom essay sample on Quotes Assignment or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page But it you long to keep going, then I hope you are able to follow my lead to the places I have gone. To within a whisper of your own personal perfection. To places that are sweeter because you worked so hard to arrive there.To places at the very edge of your dreams. Quotes from the Website: http://www. Famous-quotes-and-quotations. COM/famous- quotations. HTML Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal. -Henry Ford The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. -Walt Disney Quotes from the website: http:/. My-inspirational-quotes. COM/category/inspire- to-success/page Satisfaction does not come with achievement, but with effort. Full effort is full victory. ? Gandhi Where the willingness is great, the difficulties cannot be great. 1 At some point, you have to make a decision. Boundaries dont keep other people out. They fence you in. Life is messy. Thats how were made. So, you can waste your lives drawing lines. Or you can live your life crossing them. But there are some lines That are way too dangerous to cross. Meredith Grey A couple of hundred years ago, Benjamin Franklin shared with the world the secret of his success.Never leave that till tomorrow, he said, which you can do today. This is the man who discovered electricity. You think more people would listen to what he had to say. I dont know why we put things off, but if I had to guess, Id have to say it has a lot to do with fear. Fear of failure, fear of rejection, sometimes the fear is Just of making a decision, because what if youre wrong? What if youre making a mistake you cant undo? The early bird catches the worm. A stitch in time saves nine. He who hesitates is lost. We cant pretend we hadnt been told.Weve all heard the proverbs, heard the philosophers, heard our grandparents warning us about wasted time, heard the damn poets urging us to seize the day. Still sometimes we have to see for ourselves. We have to make our own mistakes. We have to learn our own lessons. We have to sweep todays possibility under tomorrows rug until we cant anymore. Until we finally understand for ourselves what Benjamin Franklin really meant. That knowing is better than wondering, that waking is better than sleeping, and even the biggest failure, even the worst, beat the hell out of never trying.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The History of Llamas and Alpacas in South America

The History of Llamas and Alpacas in South America The largest domesticated animals in South America are the camelids, quadruped animals which played a central role in the economic, social, and ritual lives of past Andean hunter-gatherers, herders, and farmers. Like domesticated quadrupeds in Europe and Asia, South American camelids were first hunted as prey before being domesticated. Unlike most of those domesticated quadrupeds, however, those wild ancestors are still living today. Four Camelids Four camels, or more precisely camelids, are recognized in South America today, two wild and two domesticated. The two wild forms, the larger guanaco (Lama guanicoe) and the daintier vicuà ±a (Vicugna vicugna) diverged from a common ancestor some two million years ago, an event unrelated to domestication. Genetic research indicates that the smaller alpaca (Lama pacos L.), is the domesticated version of the smaller wild form, the vicuà ±a; while the larger llama (Lama glama L) is the domesticated form of the larger guanaco. Physically, the line between llama and alpaca has been blurred as a result of deliberate hybridization between the two species over the last 35 years or so, but that hasnt stopped researchers from getting to the heart of the matter. All four of the camelids are grazers or browser-grazers, although they have different geographic distributions today and in the past. Historically and in the present, the camelids were all used for meat and fuel, as well as wool for clothing and a source of string for making  quipu and baskets. The Quechua (the state language of the Inca) word for dried camelid meat is charki, Spanish charqui, and the etymological progenitor of the English term jerky. Llama and Alpaca Domestication The earliest evidence for domestication of both llama and alpaca comes from archaeological sites located in the Puna region of the Peruvian Andes, at between ~4000–4900 meters (13,000–14,500 feet) above sea level. At Telarmachay Rockshelter, located 170 kilometers (105 miles) northeast of Lima, faunal evidence from the long-occupied site traces an evolution of human subsistence related to the camelids. The first hunters in the region (~9000–7200 years ago), lived on generalized hunting of guanaco, vicuà ±a and huemul deer. Between 7200–6000 years ago, they switched to specialized hunting of guanaco and vicuà ±a. Control of domesticated alpacas and llamas was in effect by 6000–5500 years ago, and a predominant herding economy based on llama and alpaca was established at Telarmachay by 5500 years ago. Evidence for domestication of llama and alpaca accepted by scholars include changes in dental morphology, the presence of fetal and neonatal camelids in archaeological deposits, and an increasing reliance on camelids indicated by the frequency of camelid remains in deposits. Wheeler has estimated that by 3800 years ago, the people at Telarmachay based 73% of their diet on camelids. Llama (Lama glama, Linnaeus 1758) The llama is the larger of the domestic camelids and resembles the guanaco in almost all aspects of behavior and morphology. Llama is the Quechua term for L. glama, which is known as qawra by Aymara speakers. Domesticated from the guanaco in the Peruvian Andes some 6000–7000 years ago, the llama was moved into lower elevations by 3,800 years ago, and by 1,400 years ago, they were kept in herds on the northern coasts of Peru and Ecuador. In particular, the Inca used llamas to move their imperial pack trains into southern Colombia and central Chile. Llamas range in height from 109–119 centimeters (43–47 inches) at the withers, and in weight from 130–180 kilograms (285–400 pounds). In the past, llamas were used as beasts of burden, as well as for meat, hides, and fuel from their dung. Llamas have upright ears, a leaner body, and less wooly legs than the alpacas. According to Spanish records, the Inca had a hereditary caste of herding specialists, who bred animals with specific colored pelts for sacrificing to different deities. Information on flock size and colors are believed to have been kept using the quipu. Herds were both individually-owned and communal. Alpaca (Lama pacos Linnaeus 1758) The alpaca is considerably smaller than the llama, and it most resembles the vicuà ±a in aspects of social organization and appearance. Alpacas range from 94–104 cm (37–41 in) in height and about 55–85 kg (120–190 lb) in weight. Archaeological evidence suggests that, like llamas, alpacas were domesticated first in the Puna highlands of central Peru about 6,000–7,000 years ago. Alpacas were first brought to lower elevations about 3,800 years ago and are in evidence at coastal locales by 900–1000 years ago. Their smaller size rules out their use as beasts of burden, but they have a fine fleece that is prized throughout the world for its delicate, light-weight, cashmere-like wool that comes in a range of colors from white, through fawn, brown, gray, and black. Ceremonial Role in South American Cultures Archaeological evidence suggests that both llamas and alpacas were part of a sacrificial rite in Chiribaya culture sites such as El Yaral, where naturally mummified animals were found buried beneath house floors. Evidence for their use in Chavà ­n culture sites such as Chavà ­n de Huntar is somewhat equivocal but seems likely. Archaeologist Nicolas Goepfert found that, among the Mochica at least, only domestic animals were part of sacrificial ceremonies. Kelly Knudson and colleagues studied camelid bones from Inca feasts at Tiwanaku in Bolivia and identified evidence that camelids consumed in the feasts were just as often from outside the Lake Titicaca region as local. Evidence that llama and alpaca were what made the extensive trade along the huge Inca road network possible has been known from historical references. Archaeologist Emma Pomeroy investigated the robusticity of human limb bones dated between 500–1450 CE from the site of San Pedro de Atacama in Chile and used that to identify traders involved in those camelid caravans, particularly after the collapse of Tiwanaku. Modern Alpaca and Llama Herds Quechua and Aymara-speaking herders today subdivide their herds into llama-like (llamawari or waritu) and alpaca-like (pacowari or wayki) animals, depending on physical appearance. Crossbreeding of the two has been attempted to increase the amount of alpaca fiber (higher quality), and fleece weight (a llama characteristics). The upshot has been to decrease the quality of alpaca fiber from a pre-conquest weight similar to cashmere to a thicker weight which fetches lower prices in international markets. Sources Chepstow-Lusty, Alex J. Agro-Pastoralism and Social Change in the Cuzco Heartland of Peru: A Brief History Using Environmental Proxies. Antiquity 85.328 (2011): 570–82. Print.Fehrens-Schmitz, Lars, et al. Climate Change Underlies Global Demographic, Genetic, and Cultural Transitions in Pre-Columbian Southern Peru. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111.26 (2014): 9443–8. Print.Garcà ­a, Marà ­a Elena. The Taste of Conquest: Colonialism, Cosmopolitics, and the Dark Side of Perus Gastronomic Boom. The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 18.3 (2013): 505–24. Print.Goepfert, Nicolas. 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Thursday, November 21, 2019

Sensory Disabilities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Sensory Disabilities - Essay Example the blind man crossing the road alone is a sign of bravery and his this act is also showing that he is a part of the normal society of Canada, but, still it is quite dangerous and he can be the victim of a terrible accident, unlike the normal people who are able to see the vehicles on the road before crossing it. A solution to this problem can be the awareness among people that they should take care of disabled people and help any blind man crossing the road alone. The drivers should also be careful and not drive too fast. If the car and bike drivers drive fast and an unexpected blind man is seen crossing the road, the vehicle will not be able to bear the prompt break by the driver and can slip and slide over the snowy slippery road and cause a dreadful accident. Hence, such precautionary measures and care should be taken to avoid any harm to the disabled people, and encourage them to be a part of the normal Canadian