Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Undertake a review of the current literature to identify the key

Undertake a of the current to identify the key determinants of capital structure since the global financial crisis - Literature review Example Undertake a review of the current literature to identify the key determinants of capital structure since the global financial crisis It is duly considered to be an important aspect and every organisation is required to consider it in order to make sure that the operations are conducted in an efficient manner. Moreover, Miller (2003) signified that capital structure impose direct impact in the mission and also in the operations of an organisation. A proper assessment and maintenance of capital will eventually facilitate in managing the financial operations of an organisation effectively (Miller, 2003). With this concern, this paper intends to discuss about identifying the major determinants of the capital structure impacting business organisations since the worldwide financial crisis. Literature Review Capital Structure is an Important Facilitator for Financial Decisions According to Baker & Wurgler (2002), capital structure plays a decisive role in making effective financial decisions. The authors affirmed that management of business organisations utilise capital structure in making better exploitation of accessib le financial recourses. It also assists in having a proper assessment and estimating their shares in the business markets. Additionally, the management with the assistance of capital structure is capable to determine the quantity of leverage that it possesses in the marketplace and also in comparison with other organisations. (Mahmud & et. al., 2009; Baker & Wurgler, 2002). Baker & Martin (2011) noted that capital structure is an important instrument of making effective decisions in relation to various significant aspects that include dividend decisions, management decision making along with financial decisions among others. According to Baker & Martin (2011), three important theories of capital structure encompass the ‘market timing theory’, the ‘trade-off theory’ and the ‘pecking order theory’. In this regard, the ‘trade-off theory’ is a model on the basis of which tax benefits and liabilities are calculated to maintain a stable balance of financial considerations of business organisations. The ‘pecking order theory’ provides important and valuable information, aiding in identifying problems, so that the management of organisations can adopt appropriate measures to mitigate such problems. The ‘market timing theory’ is a model, which assists management of business organisations in ascertaining the appropriate time of issuing shares in the market. In this regard, Baker & Martin (2011) have also implied that management of business organisations with the assistance of these theories will be facilitated with the opportunity of making effective investment decisions and attaining superior competitive position (Baker & Martin, 2011; Laugi & Sorin, 2009). Determinants of Capital Structure since the Global Financial Crisis According to Bauer (2004), the capital structure of business organisations mainly comprise various vital factors such as size, tangibility, profitability, industry classif ication, tax and growth opportunity among others. It can be affirmed that these vital factors associated with the notion of capital structure impose considerable impact upon the financial transactions along with the operations of an organisation in an immerse manner. Additionally, the

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Reserach proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Reserach proposal - Essay Example The postmodern media revolution could only aggravate the situation further with, especially since 9/11 disaster, misrepresentations and distorted images of Islam and Muslims gaining unprecedented and higher visibilities in the Western public spheres. However, despite the seeming ruptures this process of representation and misrepresentation has a definite historical and political backdrop embedded within huge cultural politics spanned across the centuries, ever since negotiations of different sorts had commenced between the Christian and Muslim cultures. This project attempts to study about western perceptions of Islam especially since the middle ages to the contemporary times and the surrounding cultural politics, both international and domestic. The specific objectives of the study are: 1. To deconstruct the meaning and understanding of Islam and Muslim culture at large as they are predominantly represented within the western culture – since the medieval to modern times. 2. T o throw light upon the historical and political backdrop and the cultural elements invariably involved in the production of knowledge about Islam and its culture in the west. 3. ... The attempt is precisely oriented towards exposing the hidden cultural politics behind stereotyping a whole culture and on what basis such stereotypes get reception and get reproduced over different periods of time. Contextualising the project and review of literature As I mentioned earlier the proposed project shall focus on the image of Islam in the West from the medieval ages to the present. The study is immensely significant since the â€Å"West must deal with Islam as a growing social, political and religious reality† (Quinn, 2008: 17). A significant development in the recent global politics, especially in the aftermath of the 9/11 incidents and the recent war on Iraq and the related events, is the emergence of a fungible notion of Islam and terrorism. Issues pertaining to Islam are already finding their place in the cutting edge of political, military and economic interests of the West. The terrain is much complicated, and still adds onto it, with the fact that a great d eal of ignorance about Islam and its culture in general is further manipulated by those in the political forefronts in the West to build upon a historically and culturally constructed notion of hostility and incongruity between Islam and Christian cultures. The images, representations, and perceptions of Islam are â€Å"abound in the academic and popular press† throughout the twentieth-century world (Mirza, 2007: 2). Perhaps with the intellectual and technological changes, together with the recent historical events in the contemporary Muslim world, greater attention to certain institution or faith such as Islam has become widely possible (Esposito, 1999: ix). Bassiri (2010) has traced this synonymous usage between Islam and terrorism back to the age of Reagan