Saturday, May 16, 2020

Good And Bad Traits For Managers - 1283 Words

Introduction Throughout our research, we have discovered what are generally considered good and bad traits for managers to possess, as well as researched the similarities and differences in opinion based on age range, position, and industry. Our goal for this report is to demonstrate what traits enable managers to be most effective in all aspects. Results We received a wide range of responses from our survey. However, we found that despite the difference in age, position, and industry, there were three recurring themes: communication, open-mindedness, and organization. Nearly every person we interviewed mentioned at least one of these topics as â€Å"good† traits for managers to possess, or that the lack thereof was â€Å"bad.† Most interviewees†¦show more content†¦Age Range. The younger groups that we interviewed were more focused on creativity and innovation; whereas the older groups valued character and integrity more. It was obvious that younger generations were more likely drawn towards managers who create a â€Å"fun† work environment, and are focused on progressing with the times. Therefore, the â€Å"millennial mindset† was extremely prevalent. However, middle generations focused more on the practicality and productivity of the leader. Older generations did not put as much emphasis on a ma nager who is creative or productive, but one who is genuine, honest, and ethical. Position. Additionally, when looking at the break down based on the different positions held by each interviewee, the results were interesting. Generally, the people who were not in a managerial position valued a manager who is fair and disvalued a manager who is condescending. On the other hand, interviewees who possessed some sort of managerial experience placed more emphasis on a manager’s responsibility to create a supportive environment while not micro-managing employees. Industry. Our survey included people with backgrounds in a variety of different industries ranging from education, business, and even the fire service. It appeared as though professionalism and hard work was more important for interviewees in the business field, whereas emotional intelligence and encouraging were traits valued more in the education industry. This is due to the fact thatShow MoreRelatedEssay THE BIG FIVE PERSONALITY TRAITS1629 Words   |  7 PagesThe Personality Traits of a Manager Amelia Martin MOD 310: Issues in Management Week 5 September 17, 2014 A person’s personality trait can define who they are. Some can tell these traits by the way a person reacts to certain situations, personal or on the job. A person develop traits from the way they were raised and the environment that surrounded them. Everyone carries some type of personality trait, but no one carries any that are identical. 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